Podcasting and Digital Story Telling

hi guys! today i want to talk about podcast,
what is podcast?
A podcast is an

  •  audio and/or video file
  • ‘broadcast’ via the Internet
  •  Can be downloaded to a computer or mobile device ( e.g. MP3 player)
  • Term ‘podcast’ comes from iPod (Apple portable MP3 player) and ‘broadcast’
there two main uses of the podcast teaching language

  1. using existing podcast
  2. create new podcast

  • Self study
  • Listening in class
  • Encourage students to find a podcast that interests them and to listen regularly (subscribe to podcast using e.g. iTunes ‘podcatcher’)
  • Variety of levels
  • Variety of topics
what do you need to create a podcast?
  • An audio/recording tools
  • Online voice recorder
  • Or your smartphone
Audio editing tools:
  • Audacity
  • Or any online audio editor
after you have done with all the podcast all you need to do is to upload it to your favourite podcast medium
  • Youtube
  • iTunes
  • SoundCloud
  • Blog
so that all about podcasting. see you guys again in next entry


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